Monday, June 6, 2011

mission impossible: getting the nephews to sit for family photos

So I volunteered to take some family photos for my good friend and her family.  My nephews were among the group to be photographed and I knew it could be interesting.  I got to the Smith home and mom was getting kids ready, dad was learning to tie bowties by watching youtube, and the kids really wanted to just watch the cartoons playing on the computer.  My attempts at tying the bowtie was a miserable failure so I left that to dad and got the camera ready.  After everyone was dressed in their nice clothes it was out to the yard to find a spot for some photos.  First stop the trampoline.  I suppose that some people take the trampoline to be a casual sport, but wait to you see the shots of the boys in their tuxedos darn cute.

Then it was time for the group and individual shots

I'm so happy to have the Smith's as good friends.  They are awesome, and I love having nephews to spoil!

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