Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter, Garage Sales, and Pedicures

What a random assortment of topics according to the subject line of this post, but those are just a few of the fun activities I got to participate in this weekend.  I left work right on time on Friday, no six minute window advantage taken.  I headed directly to the theater on Greenback where my mom and sister were waiting in the theater already.  I called my sister after I parked and she met me at the front to give me my ticket, we got some popcorn, and went to go wait the additional 25 minutes before the show started.  They played a lot of previews, we munched on popcorn, and other goodies.  Then the movie started and there were lots of cheers.  I don't want to spoil the movie for those going to see it so I'll just say, I was not disappointed.  Lots of action, great special effects, and it stuck pretty well to the book.   I enjoyed it a lot and was glad that I got to spend the time with my Mom and Sister.  I got home, and checked some email, played with the kitty, and played word games.  I got a call from my neighbors next door with an invite for breakfast the next morning.  How fun, I was excited.....I love eating at new places.

I woke up earlier than I wanted but headed over to my friends to feed their animals and water their garden.  Then it was back home for some chores and then off for breakfast.  It was a little breakfast diner, with a model train running around the dining area.  We ordered and Jesse and I both opted for waffles with fresh strawberries.  Brandon ate his fruit, played with the straws, watched the train go by, dropped his utensils a few times, and was generally very cute.  Todd got chicken fried steak which looked amazing.  It was a pretty fun place to eat.  They even had a live clarinetist which was pretty cool.  We finished breakfast and headed back home and got sidetracked along the way.  It was garage sale time.  We drove around stopping at various garage sales along our route home.  I eyed several weed eaters but opted not to buy one at this time.  Todd and Jesse came home with some great items.  I entertained Brandon which was great fun.  Then we made it home and I opted for a short nap....sometimes Saturdays are just good nap days. :) 

I did some laundry after my nap then headed over to a nail salon with my good friend Alicia for pedicures.  I don't get them often but they sure are toes are so pretty, and the foot massage was great.  After we headed over to the cheesecake factory for dinner.  The restaurant looked pretty crowded so we opted to go to California Pizza Kitchen instead.  We ordered a chipotle chicken pizza and a BBQ chicken salad to split.   Oh my taste buds and tummy were very very happy.  Then it was off toward home.  I remembered there was supposed to be a game night in Davis so I made arrangements to pick up my friend Nadia and we were going to have some fun.  Unfortunately game night got cancelled so Nadia and I took turns calling people to invite them to the cheap theater for a movie.  It ended up being just three of us, but it was still fun.  The movie Fast Five, was action packed, had some amazing cars, but I could have done without the language.  Why is it that screenwriters feel the need to use profanity.  ugh. It was nice to get home and go to bed.

Today has been pretty restful.  Picked veggies from the garden, loved the kitty, and taught my primary class.  Gotta love Sundays.  I ate corn from my garden today and it was some of the best corn I've ever had.  I think I'll have to plant more to see if I can get a late harvest too.  Next week I think I'll add in some genealogy and see what family members I can find.

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